
Nowruz festival at Davidson College on March 18, 2024
Najila catered for over one hundred people at the Nowruz festival at Davidson College on March 18, 2024. She prepared chicken kebab, kefteh, rice pudding, rice, and her highly popular Afghan dumplings: mantu. Her cuisine was a hit at the event!
An event that took place in the Arabic Studies Department of Davidson College.
Najila catered the Arabic Studies Department dinner at Davidson College in February 2024. It was a relaxing day for the students and they loved Najila's amazing cooking! They came back for seconds and thirds.
As always, Najila's cuisine was a hit with the students!
Najila's cooking class for college students in spring 2023

For the Farsi class cooking class spring 2023 students observed Najila cooking and then shared a meal with her family. Students enjoyed a traditional meal as part of Farsi immersion process.

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